IP: smp.aialone.net
Port:  8137

Staff Commands


Commands to know...

How to whitelist a player:


  • For java players:

/whitelist add username


  • For bedrock players:

whitelisting a bedrock player can be tricky. first try:

/whitelist add .username

(notice the period in front of the username, this designates that the player is a bedrock player. however this doesn't always work...)

If the above doesn't work, then try:

/floodgate:fwhitelist add username

(this time don't add the period)

  • Other whitelist info:

if you're having trouble, ask someone else for help, or ask the player if they are providing the correct IGN. Bedrock players are often unaware of their IGN and will sometimes provide their Microsoft account name instead. make sure they are providing their IGN and not their Microsoft account or console name.

Bedrock players on PlayStation cannot play on servers unless they are subscribed to PlayStation Network.

you can look up / validate a players IGN using (https://namemc.com/)

If everything above fails ask the player if they're using a cracked client (pirated Minecraft) if so they cannot play on this server without a premium account.


Change game-mode:

  • Spectator:


/gamemode spectator

(when in spectator you can use the number keys/scroll wheel to navigate through players to teleport to.)

(while flying in spectator the scroll wheel can control flyspeed)



  • Survival:


/gamemode survival


  • To become invisible to players:


interacting with chests it will blow your cover. type command again to exit vanish.

Basically only use this when you're in spectator.


Player management:

  • To view a players inventory:


You can see the players inventory but you cannot if they are offline. higher ranking mods can. if you spot an issue please msg other staff to resolve the issue.


To see the players enderchest.


  • To jail a player caught cheating:

/jail username

Please only jail someone if you're absolutely sure they should be, otherwise check with other staff in the incidents channel. screenshots are valuable.


  • To mute a player:

/mute username time reason

If they're being an asshole.

time: being the amount of time they are muted. (optional)

reason: a short description as to why. (optional)


(only staff can teleport, and we observe the honor system in not abusing it for personal game-play)

  • Teleport to player or coordinates.

/tp username

(only teleport to players in spectator. Teleporting to a player in survival can nudge the player, potentially disrupting their game-play, farming, or even kill them by accident)

(you can only teleport to a player. you cannot teleport a player elsewhere.)

  • Teleport to world spawn:


  • teleport to your previous teleport origin:


note: this is quirky and sometimes won't go back to where you think it will.

  • Homes:

As staff you can set a few home teleports to make life easier. please only use these for staff purposes.

  • To set:

/sethome homename

  • Teleport to home:

/home homename

  • List Homes:


/home list

Lists out all of your homes, if you only have one it will default to /home.

"bed" will always bring you to wherever you have your natural bed respawn set.

  • List warps:


Lists warp locations. all warp locations on the server are in the air pointing at significant builds. this is for streaming purposes via twitch & when using /cycspec. (cycspec is currently not working. plan on updating this plugin someday)

  • To warp:


To teleport to a warp, again only use while in spectator.


Inspecting and rolling back using Coreprotect.

This part is sort of in depth but it's probably the most important...

If you're uncomfortable with rolling back just ask another staff member to help. it's better that rollbacks are performed correctly.

  • Inspector tool:

/co i

/co inspect

This will toggle on coreprotect inspector. this is used to look through block data, chest transactions and logs. everything everyone does is logged.

When activated left and right clicking blocks will display a list in chat to navigate logs, when finished looking through logs type command again to deactivate it.


When typing a coreprotect command TAB is your best friend as it will help you autocomplete commands.


  • These tutorial videos will better explain everything you need to know better than i can:

  1. Newer video: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puT-mpQj1Xc) (skip the config part in the beginning)
  2. Older video but still relevant: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwijCiueZ3Y&t=6s)


To check the server's health:

  • Minecraft servers have 3 main categories of lag. Only 1 of which we have any control over.


  • TPS or Ticks Per Second:

A game tick is where Minecraft's game loop runs once. The game normally runs at a fixed rate of 20 ticks per second, so one tick happens every 0.05 seconds (50 milliseconds), making an in-game day last exactly 24000 ticks, or 20 minutes.

Although a healthy server should always run at 20 TPS it's not uncommon for the server to dip around 19 - 18 when under load. anything under that will start to become noticeable. anything below 15 is annoying and below 12 is considered "unplayable" anything in the single digits could crash the server.

  • FPS lag or Frames Per Second

FPS is determined by the players computer power. We have no control over this. 99% of the time when someone complains about lag. This is their issue. FPS lag can also cause a desync in packet communication with the server leading to ping lag.

Note: the number of entities, tile-entities, particles and other factors can cause a players client to lag. however unfortunate for that player it's not a direct indication of how the server is actually performing.

  • Ping lag.

Except in very rare circumstances this is also something we have no control over. Ping is measured in the amount of milliseconds it takes for the players computer to communicate with our server. They can experience bad ping if they are thousands of miles away from the server, behind a VPN or proxy or have a poor connection via a WiFi or data connection, A poorly configured firewall can also cause ping lag.

  • How to check lag:


This will list the server's current TPS. aswell as the TPS within the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.




These are all the same command, they will display info about the server including TPS but also how much memory the server is currently using, entities and tile entity count.


Benefactors also have access to these commands.


This allows you to dispose of unwanted items easily. Be careful when using this. Once this dialog is closed, the items are gone forever!



Automatically condenses items in your inventory to their most compact form. Eg; an entire inventory of iron ingots into iron blocks.

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